Do I need an attorney?
No, you do not need an attorney. It is possible to fumble your way through the complexity of the Florida family courts. However, you should seek the advice of an experienced family law attorney in your area so that you do not fall victim of the common mistakes that pro se litigant make. Having an attorney guide you through the process is essential to protecting your future interests and the future interests of your children and help you avoid common mistakes you will regret for a very long time.
Will child support obligation always be the same? Or can it be modified in the future?
Court orders providing for support and custody of children are subject to change or modification to reflect significant changes in income, and/or living arrangements of the children. While all orders concerning the children are modifiable in the future, you should not enter into an agreement based on the idea that it can always be changed or modified later. To modify a settlement agreement or parenting plan there must be a showing of a substantial change in circumstances.
Will I have to pay alimony or Spousal Support?
Ultimately, alimony is determined on a case-by-case basis. There are several factors the court will consider when determining spousal support obligations. If you want to know which factors a relevant in your case contact Garrett J. Strahl Florida Family Law Attorney at 904-342-1050.
Is it automatic that the Mother gets awarded custody?
No, there is no automatic determination or preference of one parent over another regarding who gets custody of your children. Joint or sole custody may be awarded by the Florida courts, without preference to the sex of the parents. When the court determines custody both parents are given equal consideration.
What is Parenting Plan?
A “parenting plan” is a detailed document created to establish the roles of each parent when it comes to making decisions about your child's education, health care, physical, social, and emotional well-being. A parenting plan can be developed and agreed to by the parents and approved by the court. However, the judge might decide to make his/her own parenting plan if s/he does not approve of the plan agreed to by the parents or if the parents cannot agree on a parenting plan.
If you are unfamiliar with your legal rights in a divorce, separation, or custody matter, call our Jacksonville family law attorney to set up an informative meeting to get all the answers you need to make an informed decision, call The Law Firm of Garrett J. Strahl at 904-342-1050.